Hey there sea changers, and welcome back to my series of MLM reviews. Today we are visit a company that offers a range of supplements and beauty products with my ASEA MLM Review. Supplement and beauty products are both extremely popular online markets in both the affiliate marketing and MLM markets with a number of variations available. So, what is the ASEA MLM all about? Let's have a look and find out…
What is MLM?
Multi-level marketing (MLM) programs are the traditional mainstay of the ‘party plan' world of products such as Tupperware, Mary Kay and Amway etc. and, of course within the beauty/cosmetics and supplements markets. In fact, MLMs within these niches have become more popular in recent times – mainly due to the fact that much of the sales and marketing is now being managed online. So much so that companies in other niches are starting to get in on the MLM action as well.
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The ‘multi level' aspects of MLM come from its hierarchical nature in which you make commissions based not only on those that you sell to, but also the sales of those whom you ‘sign' into membership arrangements as well.
In short, the process works as follows:
- You join the program, either via referral from another person (known as your up line) or directly through their website.
- You promote the products of the company via parties, workshops or online.
- As you make sales, you offer incentives to your customers to sign up as a member of the program (there are different names for this but they all mean the same thing).
- That new member is then placed ‘underneath' you in a hierarchical arrangement (known as your down line).
- You, and a number of levels of your up line, then gain extra commissions for everything they sell as well.
- If they manage to refer their customers into memberships, they also become a member of your down line allowing you to make up line commissions as well.
The number of levels of your up and down lines will vary depending on the program you have joined. Commission rates will also change as your down line grows or contracts and many will also offer other incentives such as total company sales percentages and/or access to membership prizes as your own business grows.
What is ASEA?
ASEA was founded in 2010 by Verdis Norton who outlines his company as “a growing direct-sales phenomenon” that embraces ‘principal over profit'. The focus of their products is at a cellular level to via the use of ‘Redox Signaling Molecules' – the method in which cells of the body receive instructions from the genes to keep them alive and healthy.
ASEA is based in Pleasant Grove, UT in the United States.
What do they Sell?
The product lines of ASEA are designed to assist with Redox Signaling both internally and externally via a small range of supplements and beauty products including:
- ASEA Redox – Cell Signaling Supplement
- ASEA RENU 28 Revitalizing Redox Gel
- RENU Advanced Skin Care
- Gentle Refining Cleanser
- Ultra Replenishing Moisturiser
- Intensive Redox Serum
- ASEA VIA Supplements
- ASEA VIA Source™, a whole-food micronutrient complex
- ASEA VIA Biome™, a full-spectrum probiotic
- ASEA VIA LifeMax™, an active lifestyle and vitality formula
- ASEA VIA Omega™, a native heart & brain complex
Note: I was unable to locate pricing information on the main website (I think you need to join) however from what I could find on the site of an Independent Associate, prices appear to be in the medium to high range bracket at around $25 to $50 for individual beauty products and $160 for a 4 pack of ASEA Redox water (32Oz).
MLM Program outline
The ASEA MLM program calls their members ‘Independent Associates' (there is also some reference to them being called ‘Distributors' as well) who are part of what appears to be a fairly modern program with a number of common retail and downline commission structure and a good number of bonus options included. Their compensation plan is partly available on their website with an accompanying video found on their YouTube channel however some of the commission rates are still not real clear – here are the basics as I have found them (please comment below if any of this is inaccurate)…
Base Discount/Commission rate: 20% to 25% – dependent upon wholesale vs retail product costs.
Down line commission rates: Binary Commissions are paid @ 10% of the lesser leg volume.
Minimum monthly spend to qualify for commissions
To qualify for downline commissions, Associates are required to remain ‘Active' by reaching targets of at least 100 PV per month. This can be made of personal or customer sales. All commissions are paid reliant on the Associate retaining an Active status.
Payment terms: Weekly.
Application required?: Yes, Application form on website.
Purchase requirements to join: Yes, $40 welcome pack and personal website access.
ASEA Product Packs are available at time of enrollment however these do not appear to be mandatory. There are a number of options here including:
- Entrepreneur Packs – $1040 – $1350
- Business Packs – $520 – $720
- Personal Packs – $190 – $245
Marketing materials provided: Business Pack and Personalised Website. “ASEA Business Coach” back end training and marketing platform.
Within most MLM programs, rankings and commissions are determined by the total personal volume (PV) generated by an Associate and their down line within a calendar month with points assigned to each product. These point allocations can range from 50 to 100% of the retail price of each product (before tax and shipping) and vary from item to item and currency of sale.
From what I can tell within the ASEA MLM program, PV is calculated at roughly 75 – 77% of the USD retail sales price with downline commissions calculated on points values as well. So to use the example from the compensation plan, this means that if a product is sold for $150 with a Commissional Volume (CV) of 100, then payments are calculated on $100 of the sale cost not the full $150. Hence, then if a downline commission rate is 10% then the payment to the Associate would total $10 (i.e. 10%of $100).
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How can I get paid?
Ok, so from what I can garner from the compensation plan, there are 8 ways in which Associates can make money when they promote and sell ASEA items.
These are fairly straight forward with a few of the extra bonuses found in many other MLM arrangements (and in line with many within the supplements and beauty niches such as Monat and Shaklee). The 8 payment options for the ASEA MLM program are outlined as follows:
1. Retail Sales
These are the base payments/commissions earned by the general day to day retail sales that Associates can earn via one of the two methods below:
- Purchase products at wholesale prices and sell at retail via networking parties, social media or popups.
- Make sales via their personalised ASEA website.
Payments earned are the difference between the wholesale and retail prices of the items being sold. These calculate at roughly 20 – 25% of the full retail price (excl. tax and shipping).
To qualify for Retail Sales – and all further payment options below, Associates are required to meet a minimum sales target of 100PV or above within a calendar month (known as being Active).
2. Preferred Customer Bonus
The Preferred Customer Bonus is paid to active associates who sign up a Preferred Customer within their personalised site. Once they are signed, a bonus of $25 is earned every time they purchase a case of ASEA on Autoship (two cases earns $50 and so on).
These purchases also generate 50CV which counts towards personal volume requirements and is added to the lesser volume leg (see payment option 5 below).
3. Fast Start Bonus
The Fast Start Bonus is a common bonus option for many MLM programs in that Associates can earn a bonus payment for personally recruited downline members who purchase an ASEA Product Pack during the enrollment process. Payments are made to the sponsor and their active qualified up lines as follows:
4. Director Bonus
Associates who achieve the rank of Director in 14 or fewer calendar days from the date of their own enrollment receive a $50 one-time bonus. Director requirements are as follows:
- Be Active – i.e. generate at least 100PV monthly
- Be Team Commission qualified – i.e. recruit an active Associate to both their left and right legs
5. Team Commissions
Team Commissions are the basic binary commissions common to many MLM programs where payments are earned based on the total CV generated by left and right legs within the Associate's downline. Down line legs are comprised of personally sponsored Associates and any members they recruit as well.
In the case of ASEA, a flat rate commission of 10% is paid on the CV of the lesser leg as per the below example:
To start earning Team Commissions Associates need to:
- Be active (100PV) and qualified
- Have an active (100PV) personally sponsored Associate on their left and right binary legs
6. Executive Momentum Pool Bonus
The Executive Momentum Pool Bonus pays commissions as shares of 2% of global sales for a limited time as Associates advance through ASEA’s executive ranks (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum). The pool is shared in tiers based on qualified rank per week for a specified period of time once shares have been unlocked by two consecutive qualifying weeks at a new rank. Shares are allocated and paid based on rank as a percentage of PGV3 (personal group volume through three levels of the Associate's personal sponsorship tree) as follows:
7. Check Match
Another common MLM payment option is Check Match where sponsors earn matching commissions based on the Team Commissions of personally sponsored Associates. Payments are determined by the rank of the associate and those within their downline known as a generation. In each personal sponsorship tree leg, each personally sponsored Associate begins a new leg, and a generation ends with a qualified ranked Associate of Bronze Executive or higher.
8. Diamond Pool
The Diamond Pool is another common MLM payment option designed to reward those who reach the upper ranks within the MLM structure. In this case, Associates who reach the ‘Diamond' ranks within ASEA earn a share of 3% of ASEA’s global volume based on their paid-at rank and PGV generated within eligible levels as follows:
Ranking structure
ASEA, as with most MLM programs, uses ranking structures on which to base commission payments and other bonuses upon. Rankings for the ASEA MLM program are as follows (note personal and team sales qualification targets as well):
Again, as is common with almost all MLM programs, rank progression is determined by both the number of members within the Associate's down line, and the total sales made by those members per month. Ranks can rise and fall based on the ability (or dis-ability) to reach the required member and sales targets.
What is good about it?
So, after a good look around the site and looking at all the options I could find, I do like the following:
- Commission rates for downline commissions are good.
- Good number of payment options for each level of growth.
What is no so good about it?
There are also some things to be aware of including:
- Targets are required for all commissions levels.
- Some of the compensation plan is a little ambiguous.
- Not the array of products available that many other programs have.
How much can you make?
ASEA provides a comprehensive income disclosure statement on its website as below:
As with most MLM programs, the compensation plan demonstrates that the percentage of members making the upper rank levels – and hence earning a living – is very low (in this case less than 1%).
My final thoughts
Look, MLM is not an easy platform to make money in and there is not much that I have seen here to put this program above the many others I have seen. However, the program is pretty straight forward with common commission arrangements and the ability to make sales online or via networking arrangements. So if you are a fan of these products with a large customer list at your disposal and the ability to generate good sales via online processes, then the 20 – 25% base commission rates might just appeal here.
Once you have joined, there are not the usual financial pressures of needing to make minimum personal purchases in order to qualify for commissions as long as you can make them within your down line. Although from what I can see, I think if you are going to succeed within this MLM program, you will need to be intricately aware of the products, their uses and benefits. You may also need to bump up your personal purchase quota if customer sales alone are not enough for you to remain ‘Active' and qualify for commissions and/or discounts within a particular month.
I was unable to locate any negative reviews in terms of non-payment etc. although there were some negative comments about the quality of customer service and the MLM program itself – although it was not really anything that is uncommon in regards to MLM programs or products within this niche. I did in my research also find some articles alluding to issues around medical claims about their products however I was unable to locate anything substantial here.
So there you have it, my honest review and appraisal of the ASEA MLM program. I hope it has been of assistance but as usual, if you have any questions or experience with this program please do not hesitate to reach out by commenting below – especially if any of my information is inaccurate.
Are there any other programs you have been looking at but want to know more about? If so, please comment below and I will do my best to get some details for you.
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Until next time
Have fun
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