Day 3 – Initial Website Setup

Make That Seachange - Paul and NicHello there, and welcome back.

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's training.  If there is anything you have missed or would like to recap before we start today,  you can click here to re-access the Day 2 page.

Now, let's get stuck into today's topics :

  • About me page
  • Affiliate disclosure
  • Privacy policy

Ready?  Click on the video below and let’s get started.

Click on the little box in the bottom right of the video to view full screen


About me pages

Should cover:

  • Who are you? – this is your site so allow your readers to get to know you
  • Why are you doing this? – Why have you started your site
  • What are you going to do? – What should the reader expect
  • How are you going to help your readers – answer the reader’s WIIFM.

Further reference materials

Wealthy Affiliate Training – Creating Your Initial Website Content 

What to expect on Day 4

Now that we have our housekeeping out of the way, tomorrow we will have some more fun as we start work on the navigation and structure of your site looking at menus, widgets and plugins.

I will be building the site live using the tools available to me within my Wealthy Affiliate membership. 

Now that you have seen the website build in action and if you do not have a website building platform sorted as yet then I highly recommend clicking here to sign up for your FREE starter membership. 

With your free membership, I promise you will be able to do everything I am doing as we run through the training with a free live website at the end.

Want to read more about Wealthy Affiliate first?  Click here for more information on why Wealthy Affiliate is my #1 recommended platform.

See you tomorrow

Paul and Nic Logo - Make that Sea Change

Paul Watson
Founder of Make That Sea Change.