Hey there Sea Changers… Recently I have been looking into the world of Multi Level Marketing (a.k.a Network Marketing) to see if there are some online business opportunities there. And whilst I have been focused on the more traditional areas of this industry such as Essential Oils, Supplements and CBD Products, I have also noticed an increase in Eco-Friendly MLM Companies as well. So, in order to make things a little easier for those of you interested in checking this out, I have created an outline below of the Environmentally Friendly MLM companies that I have found in my travels.

eco friendly mlm - header

Now, before we start, there are a lot of programs out there who promote these values in many of their products so I could have listed a lot more here. What I have tried to do however is list those that actively promote “clean and green” behaviours at every level of their operations. Let’s check them out below:

What is MLM?

Multi-level marketing (MLM) programs are the traditional mainstay of the ‘party plan’ world of products such as Tupperware, Mary Kay and Amway etc. and, of course within the beauty/cosmetics, supplements and essential oils markets. These programs have become more popular in recent times – mainly due to the fact that much of the sales and marketing is now being managed online – with companies in other niches are starting to get in on the action.

You Are Reading This Because of Wealthy Affiliate

That's right! Wealthy Affiliate provided me with all of the tools and training I needed to get this post in front of my audience - a.k.a YOU!

You too can start your very own online business here that can make you money from anywhere in the world!!  

The ‘multi level’ aspects of MLM come from its hierarchical nature in which you make commissions based not only on those that you sell to, but also the sales of those whom you ‘sign’ into membership arrangements as well.

In short, the process works as follows:

  1. You join the program, either via referral from another person (known as your up line) or directly through their website.
  2. You promote the products of the company via parties, workshops or online.
  3. As you make sales, you offer incentives to your customers to sign up as a member of the program (there are different names for this but they all mean the same thing).
  4. That new member is then placed ‘underneath’ you in a hierarchical arrangement (known as your down line).
  5. You, and a number of levels of your up line, then gain extra commissions for everything they sell as well.
  6. If they manage to refer their customers into memberships, they also become a member of your down line allowing you to make up line commissions as well.

The number of levels of your up and down lines will vary depending on the program you have joined. Commission rates will also change as your down line grows or contracts and many will also offer other incentives such as total company sales percentages and/or access to membership prizes as your own business grows.

eco friendly mlm - turbine

How do they calculate commissions?

When it comes to the earning of money via MLM, most programs manage their downline commissions and rankings via the calculation of Personal Volume (PV) points (there are different definitions of this such as Commission, Business or Group Volume but they all mean the same thing). Most MLM programs manage it this way in that commissions are paid on the points assigned to a product rather than the entire sales total. For example, if a product retails for $100 and has a 50PV rating (these generally vary from product to product and on retail or wholesale prices) then the commission is calculated on the $50 purchase only. So if a commission rate for a product is 20% then it will generate a $10 payment to the sponsor (i.e. 20% of the $50 commissionable amount).

PV calculations can range from 1 point per $1 up to 1 per $1.50 or even $2. Obviously the closer to the dollar mark the calculation the better. In addition, most programs assign minimum PV sales per month – either personally or via customer sales – in order to qualify for commissions. Payments and rankings are then also calculated based on the total PV of the member, and their downline.

Environmentally Friendly MLM Programs

Ok, let’s have a look (in no particular order)…


Wikaniko MLM Review - Opportunity

Wikaniko was established “10 years ago” by Andrew and Kate who have built a nice little site dealing in products that have been responsibly sourced, plastic free and environmentally friendly. With a goal to “help empower you with the knowledge and confidence to be able to make conscious choices about the products you use”, Wikaniko has turned from an idea that was never really meant to be a company into a sustainable business assisting the environment One Step at a Time. The company is based in the U.K. and bases most of its sales arrangements within that country.

Once you stop to look at it, you will realise that Wikaniko actually stocks a massive range of products over a number of popular (and regularly purchased) areas. There is way too much to list here so for the purposes of this post, I will stick to the main categories only including:

Baby & Child

  • Nappy Sacks
  • Lotion
  • Bath
  • Blankets and bibs

Body and Hair

  • Bath & Shower
  • Dental Care
  • Deodorants
  • Feminine Care
  • Handwash
  • Shaving
  • Soap Bars
  • Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Skincare
Wikaniko MLM Review - Products 1


  • Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Laundry


  • Garden Care
  • Pond Care
  • Suncare
  • Travel & On The Go


  • Aromatherapy/Essential Oils
  • Feminine Care
  • Magnotherapy
  • Supplements
Wikaniko MLM Review - Stripe 2


  • Air Fresheners / Candles
  • Bags
  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Pets
  • Yummy Things
  • Toilet Paper/Tissues

All products are packaged in plastic free, recyclable, reusable and biodegradable packaging with no plastic used in products where possible. Prices are in the low to medium price range.

The Wikaniko MLM program calls their members Distributors. Their compensation plan is unfortunately not as easy to find as I would like to see in that I had to locate it via one of their distributors and not on the main website (it is a few years old as well so if my information is outdated please let me know in the comments below).

Regardless, the structure appears to be a fairly straight forward program with the usual downline commission structures. There are however none of the extra bonus options of many other programs. Here are the basics as I found them.

Base Commission rate: 33 – 45%

Down line commission rates: 2 – 5% to 7 levels (level 1 downline rate is 5%).

Minimum monthly spend to qualify for commissions

  • Distributors are required to maintain a minimum 36CV sales generation level to qualify for commissions – This can be personal or customer sales.

Payment terms: Monthly.

Application required?: Yes, Application form on site

Purchase requirements to join: Yes

A membership joining fee of £24.95 is payable at time of joining which opens access to the Distributor’s own replicated website.

Ongoing costs of £4.95 per month are then payable to maintain website access.

Marketing materials provided: Replicated website, blog, members area, training program

As with the most MLM programs, some of the down line commissions and rankings are determined by the total Commissionable Value Points (CV) generated by the Distributor and their down line within a calendar month. Most MLM programs manage it this way in that commissions are paid on the points assigned to a product rather than the entire sales total. In the case of the Wikaniko MLM Program, the total points allocated to a sale appear to be allocated at 1 point per £ on the wholesale price. So for example, if a product retails for £100 with a wholesale price of £65, then the CV for that product is 65 with commission calculated on £65. This means that if a commission rate for that product is 10% then it will generate a £6.50 payment to the sponsor (i.e. 10% of the £65 commissionable amount).

Group Volume Commission (GVC) are allocated as above but are earned based on the sales generated by Distributor’s down line.

Read more about the Wikaniko MLM program here


Enjo MLM Review - Opportunity

Enjo was founded in Austria in 1990 by Johannes Engl who has built a company based on the belief that “Cleaning has nothing at all to do with Chemistry“. Enjo now provides its innovative Enjotex Fibre range of cleaning products to over 26 Countries worldwide. The company is based in Austria.

Enjo sell a large range of ‘just add water’ cleaning cloths and products based on its Enjotex Fibre technology aimed at protecting the environment and personal health. Their range of cleaning equipment is available in all shapes and sizes and is sold based on area of use including:

  • Bathroom
  • Floor
  • Kitchen
  • Living
  • Outdoor
  • Window
Enjo MLM Review - Starter kit

Prices are in the mid range with basic cloths starting at $39 up to around $800 for their largest bundle. Program members can sell via hosted parties, one-on-one demonstrations or under an online/virtual model.

The Enjo MLM program calls their members ENJOprenuers however as far as the rest of the program goes, I have been unable to locate any information in regards to the compensation plan either via the Enjo website or within the sales pages of actual ENJOprenuers. That said, Enjo is a legitimate and real company who have provided products and a popular MLM program with over 2000 members worldwide for over 20 years (my Mum’s friend used to talk about how much money she made from it). The lack of information however does make it difficult for new members to determine whether it is worth joining or not.

Base Commission rate: The best numbers I have seen is 25 – 30% – based on monthly sales figures

Down line commission rates: Not Located – however their site does comment that ENJOprenuers can make up to 41% total commission – so if their top commission range for retail sales is 30% then we can assume that there is around 11% to play with here.

Minimum monthly spend to qualify for commissions: Not Located

Payment terms: Not Located

Application required?: Yes, Application form on website.

Purchase requirements to join:

To become and ENJOprenuer, new enrollees must purchase a starter kit worth $AUD 699 (this would be adjusted worldwide dependent on purchase currency).

I have not seen any record of ongoing purchase requirements.

Read more about the Enjo MLM program here

You Are Reading This Because of Wealthy Affiliate

That's right! Wealthy Affiliate provided me with all of the tools and training I needed to get this post in front of my audience - a.k.a YOU!

You too can start your very own online business here that can make you money from anywhere in the world!!  

Essanté Organics

Essanté Organics MLM Review - Opportunity

Essanté Organics was established in 2009 by Michael Wenniger as the first U.S. based direct marketing company to focus solely on Organic and Toxin Free products. The company mission, “to eliminate toxins from everyone’s life, one household at a time” is backed by the dedicated use of only organic, ToxicFree®, and pH balanced products. The company is based in Phoenix, Arizona in the United States with operations in numerous countries worldwide.

Ok, so I have discussed the organic and tox-free thing but I haven’t actually mentioned to date the large range of products offered by Essanté Organics. They actually present a huge range of products across a number of lines and uses with so much to cover that for the purposes of this post, I will list the main categories only:

Body & Spa

  • Body Care
  • Cosmetics
  • Facial Care
  • Hair Care
  • Oral Care

Ph Nutrition

  • Powerpops & Kidspops
  • Supplements & Powders
  • Vegan Protein Shakes
  • Ph Balancing

Essential Oils

  • Singles
  • Blends
  • Roll Ons
  • Carrier Oils
  • Diffusers

Home Care

  • Hand Soaps and Sanitisers
  • Dish Soap
  • Laundry Liquids
  • Toothpaste


  • Lotion
  • Shampoo
  • Calming mists
Essanté Organics MLM Review - products

Prices are in the low to medium price range and on par with most other MLM programs of this type.

The Essanté Organics MLM program calls their members Organic Influencers, or Brand Partners, or Executives. Their compensation plan is directly available on their site via a video (included in this post above) with a PDF version available via an online search. It contains a fairly straight forward MLM structure with basic retail commissions, flat rate downline payments and a few bonuses along the way. Here are the basics as I have found them…

Discount: 30% for Distributors

Base Commission rate: 30% (based on retail sales on discounts above)

Down line commission rates: 10% to infinite levels

Minimum monthly spend to qualify for commissions

To qualify for one, or all of the commission and bonus options available, Executives must generate the following each month:

  • Retail commission only – 0: 39 points
  • Payment options 1 – 3: 40 points
  • Payment options 1 – 5: 75 points
  • Payment options 1 – 6: 100 points

Payment terms: Weekly and Monthly.

Application required?: Yes, Application form on website

Purchase requirements to join: Yes

Enrollment fee – $29.95

New Executives can also order Go-Green packs which range from $29.95 to $499 – these are not mandatory but for those looking to make a success in this company, you will need to be knowledgeable about the products so I think some purchase is probably a good idea. Go Green packs can be purchased from a number of categories such as below:

Marketing materials provided: Welcome Pack, Replicated website, access to an extensive online training site.

Read more about the Essanté Organics MLM program here


Norwex MLM Review - Opportunity

Norwex was founded in 1994 when founder Bjørn Nicolaisen was introduced to a “miraculous cloth that could effectively clean a very dirty windshield using microfiber and water”. From that point forward he has focused on chemical free cleaning with environmentally sound processes in every part of Norwex operations.  The company has expanded operations into a number of countries around the globe with a mission to “Improve quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in our homes”.

What started out as single “little red cloth” has grown into a nice array of products across a number of lines including chemical free, environmentally sustainable cleaning fluids and personal care. Their category lists are as follows:


  • Cleaning
  • Sheets
  • Floor
  • Body Towels


  • Bath
  • Laundry
  • Kitchen
  • Odor Control

Personal Care

  • Body
  • Face


  • Sports
  • Pets
  • Kids
  • Car
Norwex MLM Review - Products

The Norwex MLM program calls their members ‘Independent Sales Consultants’ who are part of what appears to be a fairly straight forward and standard program with base commissions and a few bonuses thrown in for good measure. Their compensation plan, whilst not readily available on their website (that I could see), was found via a simple online search so let’s check out the basics below…

Base Commission rate: 35% on all products sold.

Down line commission rates: 0.5 – 5% to five levels (first level down is 3% for personal recruits – Team Coordinator Rank and higher)

Minimum monthly spend to qualify for commissions:

To qualify for commissions, Consultants must be ‘Active’ via the generation of $250 or more worth of sales within a rolling

three-month calendar cycle.

Payment terms: Monthly

Application required?: Yes, Application form on website.

Purchase requirements to join: Yes

New Consultants are required to purchase a Starter Kit for $9.99.

There is mention of a ‘Party Starter Kit’ which is $200 (unless $2000 in retail sales is generated in within the first 90 days of program enrollment).

Marketing materials provided: Business Starter kits, Training, Back Office.

Read more about the Norwex MLM program here


Melaleuca MLM Review - Opportunity

Melaleuca was founded by Frank L. VanderSloot in Idaho Falls, Idaho in September 1985. Since then, it has grown to a USD $2 Billion dollar a year enterprise servicing 19 countries worldwide. With a mission “to enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals”, Melaleuca has evolved into what appears at first glance to be a stereotypical network marketing company in every aspect of it sales operations.  On the non-sales side however, Melaleuca also prides itself on its green, environmentally friendly operations allowing members to utilise and sell non-toxic products that allow clean living without the dangers of harsh, caustic chemicals.

Melaleuca is definitely one of the larger MLM companies I have seen with an offering of over 400 products that it claims are “superior in a very clear and relevant way”. As mentioned above, they have every major MLM niche covered with a catalogue of products including:


  • Vitamins and Supplements
    • Multivitamins
    • Specialty Supplements
    • Peak Performance Packs
  • Food And Weight Management
    • Weight Management
    • Sports Nutrition
    • Fiber
    • Healthy Snacking
    • Beverages
    • Gum & Mints
    • Sports Nutrition


  • Dry Skin Therapy
  • Cold, Flu, & Allergy
  • Pain & Fever Relief
  • First Aid
  • Sun Care
  • Acne Treatment


  • Skin Care
  • Color Cosmetics
  • Hair Care
  • Fragrance
  • StyleSetters: Seasonal Colors


  • Cleaning and Laundry
    • Household Cleaners
    • Dishwashing
    • Laundry
  • Home Fragrances
    • Plug in Scented Oils
    • Wax Melts / Warmers
    • Soy Candles
    • Air Fresheners
    • Fabric Fresheners

Pet Care

  • Treats
  • Jerky

Bath and Body

  • Scent of the Season
  • Bath & Shower
  • Body & Skin Care
  • Hair Care
  • Facial Care
  • Hand Soaps & Sanitizers
  • Dental Care
  • Kid’s

Essential Oils

  • Single Oils
  • Oil Blends
  • Carrier Oils
  • Accessories
Melaleuca MLM Review - Products 2

The Melaleuca MLM program calls their members ‘Marketing Executives’ who are part of what at first look appears a quite complicated program focused on ‘leadership points’ and recruitment. It does however contain most of the common retail and downline commission structures and a good number of bonus options relative to many MLM programs as well. It takes a bit of searching to find it but their compensation plan is available on their website so here are the basics as I have found them…

Base Commission rate: 7% to 20% (dependent upon number of ‘active’ customers maintained)

Down line commission rates: 7% to 7 generations (dependent upon rank)

Minimum monthly spend to qualify for commissions

To qualify for downline commissions, a Marketing Executive is required to generate revenue of at least 29 Product Points per month. This can be made up of both personal and customer purchases.

Payment terms: Monthly.

Application required?: Yes, Application form on website.

Purchase requirements to join: No

Starter packs are available at time of enrollment however these are not mandatory. Options include:

Home Conversion Pack – 44 products, an assortment of spray bottles and accessories, helpful business-building and product literature, as well as valuable coupons worth hundreds of dollars. – USD $299 (140 Pts)

Value Pack – 29 products, an assortment of spray bottles and accessories, helpful business-building and product literature, as well as valuable coupons worth hundreds of dollars. – USD $199 (100pts)

Note: pack costs are not available on the website (unless you are a member) so the pricing and points allocations above are those that I have found on other pages belonging to an actual Melaleuca Marketing Executive.

Marketing materials provided: As per starter kit above.

Read more about the Melaleuca MLM program here

How to find your own MLM programs

The sites above have hopefully provided you with a good cross section in regards to what is available within the world of ‘green' based MLM programs. That does not mean that you cannot find others that better suit what it is that you are trying to do within this space. Luckily for us, there is a simple way to find these programs online.

All you need to do is enter “niche type MLM” into your search engine (substituting ‘niche type‘ for whatever product it is that you are choosing to sell). (Note: you will have to trawl through a lot of reviews – good and bad – to find them. This is not a market as common as some others as well so some further searching may be required):

eco friendly mlm - mlms

In most cases, you will need to apply for the program before you are allowed to promote their products – This is generally not as regimented as many affiliate marketing programs however if asked for more information don’t take this step lightly or you may be rejected. On top of the basic information, MLM programs may want to know:

  • Why you want to join
  • How you plan to promote their products.

Most platforms however will provide you with a good amount of promotional materials such as text links, ad banners, posters, guides, e-books and so on. Many even provide a personalised website within which to manage your sales.


So… There are some of the best Environmentally Friendly MLM programs for a green downline. I hope it has been helpful for you as you commence your own online multi level marketing business and as usual, please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions, need some advice or have any experiences to share. Oh, and especially comment if you have any experience with these, or any other programs as well.

Until next time

Have fun


Do you want further assistance with any of the above or need help to build your own MLM or Eco-based website?

Are you looking for a comprehensive training platform that can give you step by step training, 24/7 support, tools to develop and host your very own website, ongoing assistance with SEO and social media and access to some of the best affiliate marketing minds on the planet, then click on the following link to read more about Wealthy Affiliate.

Introducing Wealthy Affiliate, My #1 Recommendation for Setting Up Your Own Online Business

wealthy affiliate new home page

When I started, I knew I wanted to work online, but had absolutely no idea where to begin! You see I had watched friends of mine run a sales party to sell essential oils and someone asked if they could just sell them online?

Then, as I sat on the bus heading into my office job, I started to wonder if I could do just that, sell essential oils online.

Anything to stop having to catch this bus to and from work every day right!

The trouble was, as I mentioned above, I had no idea how to even start.

So of course I started to look around online and found all these courses! They all promised me riches then took my money but left me with no riches!

Then I stumbled across the program that didn’t promise me riches, but told me it could help me get started even with no experience!

So I did that, joined Wealthy Affiliate that was it, and the rest as they say, is history!

But it doesn’t come without work!

That is the key here! I began on their starter membership and did the training! I then joined as a member and did some more training!

Each night after work, I would do a little more, then a little more.

And to cut a long story short, after 10 months I realized I didn’t really like writing about essential oils, so I sold the site for about $2000. But I had learned so much that I started another – about fishing and camping!

Then, after 18 months (by which time it had earned me close to $10k), I was offered $17k for the site, so I sold it too.

Now, through my travel blog, I’ve been able to fund my passion for travel and explore different places around the world.

In the past few months, I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to some amazing destinations, including Bali, Los Angeles, Dallas, Vancouver and Las Vegas.

The success of my travel blog has allowed me to fully fund my travels and explore new destinations with my family.

Steps to Creating a Successful Travel Blog - Me at Whistler

Try the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter Member and Build your First Hub!

As you start your journey, Wealthy Affiliate is there for you with the most comprehensive training package I have ever seen – And as I have mentioned, I have used a few in my professional career trust me.

To get you started, Wealthy Affiliate has recently introduced the Hub.

The Hub

The hub is an AI based niche and website creation tool that will get you up and running with the foundation of your OWN business in just a few minutes. This includes:

  • Your website – hosted and inclusive of a WordPress editor
  • Your brand
  • Your ‘done-for-you’ research
  • Your blueprint
  • A task list that is going to help you drive the creation and growth of your business moving forward.
Wealthy Affiliate Review 24 - Hub screen

The hub makes the website creation process simple which allows you to get started on the training with a solid base and understanding of the processes.

All you need to do is choose your subject – which is known as your ‘niche’ – and follow the steps on the screen.

Oh, and as you run through the training below you may realize that what you created above is not exactly what you want. That’s ok, you can just create a new hub!

Wealthy Affiliate Training

Then as you continue your journey, the Wealthy Affiliate Hub is there for you with the most comprehensive training package I have ever seen – And I have used a few in my professional career trust me.

Above we discussed the use of the Hub to set up a website. Once you have done this, you will be able to access the “Step-by-Step Core Training”.

This is available to all members including starter members and will give you everything you need to know to continue to create your online business.

Wealthy Affiliate Review 24 - step by step core training

Member Training

There are also Live weekly classes taught by REAL industry experts on a range of topics like artificial intelligence (AI), SEO, YouTube, WordPress, PPC marketing and more.

wealthy affiliate master training

Great, What Else Does Wealthy Affiliate Have To Help You?

So, let’s keep this short, Wealthy Affiliate is a one-stop-shop platform that provides:

  • The Hub – this is the starting point and uses AI processes to assist you in determining your niche and creating your brand.
  • Complete training programs to assist with the development of your own affiliate marketing website in your own niche.
  • Website creation and publishing tools including access to WordPress editors and themes.
  • AI Content article design and content creation
  • Domain name purchasing (you get a free domain when you upgrade to the Premium membership).
  • Website hosting, security and backup.
  • Online help and chat forums.
  • Weekly live training events.
  • 24/7 support.
  • Keyword access tools.
  • SEO assistance.

The platform has been active for over 15 years with the original developers and owners, Kyle and Carson, still extremely active in its day to day operations – especially as they rollout their AI capabilities.

wa first two steps

You Can Try it Yourself For Free

Now of course I can tell you all about how Wealthy Affiliate works (because it does) until I am blue in the face. But every other program out there – including the shams and scams – will tell you the same thing!

So how about you just try it for free yourself. The Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership is free to join and gives you access to everything you need to get started – all without the need to spend a cent!

With the starter membership, you get:

  • 1 Limited Business Hub
  • 1,500 AI Word Credits
  • Try the AI Author Platform (BETA)
  • 1 Practice Website
  • Jaaxy Starter
  • Limited Help & Support
  • Core Niche Training (8 Classes)

And of course I will be there to help you every step of the way as well!

Look, in the interest of transparency, whilst Wealthy Affiliate does offer a free starter membership, this is designed to give you a look around, have a practice and see if it is worthwhile for you – which is a really great option.

However, as with all new businesses, you will need to make some investment so if you are serious about making money online , you will need to upgrade to a premium membership as this will give you access to all the tools you need in the one spot to succeed!

Afterall, every business needs tools to grow!

So How Much Does This Really Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate does not use upsells once you join – but as I mentioned in the video, to succeed here you will need to invest in a membership. There are a couple of options that provide access to all the tools, training and assistance that you could need – and a free domain as well.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a trio of membership tiers, as detailed on their pricing page.

You can opt for the Starter membership at no cost, the Premium membership for $49 per month or the Premium Plus+ membership for $99 per month. That’s the full extent of it – and you can absolutely build your website without having to spend another cent.

You won’t encounter any unexpected additional charges or covert fees and as a Premium member, you’re equipped with all the essentials to initiate, develop and expand a thriving online enterprise.

Those who opt for the Premium membership are provided with

  • Hosting for their websites
  • A complimentary domain name
  • Access to hundreds of hours of current expert tutorials
  • Various marketing and research tools
  • Personal guidance from seasoned professionals in the field
  • And much much more

And for those of you who want to make a serious investment into your future, there are some yearly options as well below to give you peace of mind that you have a whole year ahead of you to get stuff done!

And Don’t Forget the Personal Coaching

Once you join, not only do you get plenty of assistance from me, but you also have access to expert coaching, support and mentorship from real industry experts.

I mean, you can have access to all of the top-tier affiliate marketing training in the world, but inevitably, questions arise, particularly during the initial stages.

With an exceptionally dynamic and engaged community that boasts over 2.7 million members, Wealthy Affiliate offers an environment where you, as a member, can fully immerse and leverage this network.

You’re never alone; you have the collective wisdom of an entire community at your fingertips, ready to assist at any moment.

Plus, there’s always-on, rapid-response website support to handle any technical queries you may encounter.

WA graphic

Wealthy Affiliate Works: Real Results From Real People

As I have mentioned a number of times, Wealthy Affiliate has helped me make real money online though its training and tools.

I have made money each month as well as a sale for $17,000.

But again, those promoting other programs will tell you the same thing!

So let’s get away from me and see what others are saying:

To start with, Wealthy Affiliate has a 4.9 out of 5 Star TrustPilot rating, which is a remarkable accomplishment in any industry, let alone the online business industry.

WA trust pilot image

And here are some of those reviews:

wealthy affiliate trust pilot

And this is what people are saying within Wealthy Affiliate as well:

home page - success at WA

So, Let’s Make a Decision!

Let’s be frank, you have read this far so why not go all in, click on the button below to get started on the way to your very online business.

And once you are in and have had a play around with the hub, look for the little envelope on the top right and there will be a message from me. It is of course automated so respond to let me know you are there and we can start this journey together.

(oh, and the profile is mine so you can find me that way as well)

wealthy affiliate envelope

See you there


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  1. Thank you, that was really helpful. I am currently a Melaleuca customer and although I really like their products, I am concerned about the amount of plastic they use for many of their products, and am a bit surprised they have not put together any kind of plastic re-use/recycle program. I know that being ‘green-conscious’ costs money, and so they are trying to stay in line with pricing to maintain a competitive stance against all the big players out there (i.e, P&G, Lever). I think everything is a balancing act for all these companies since there is always a part of their business that cannot escape environmental issues. That said, your article is interesting and I appreciate the time you took to research the topics.

    1. Thanks Charlie,

      Interesting re the plastic considering their natural products stance. Hopefully it is recycled or biodegradable at least.

      thanks so much for your comments.


  2. This is such an insightful post! I love seeing MLM programs that prioritize sustainability. It’s encouraging to know that we can build a successful business while also being mindful of the environment. I’m definitely interested in exploring these options further! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Great post! I love the idea of combining MLM with environmentally friendly practices. It’s inspiring to see companies that prioritize sustainability while empowering their members. I can’t wait to explore some of these programs and hopefully join a green downline!

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