How I Make Money Online With Wealthy Affiliate

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See The Best Way To Make Money OnIine In 2025
Hey guys,
I know what you see in the title above is a bold statement but trust me when I tell you it is the exact program that allowed me to build two websites that make me money every day!
I want to encourage you to read this until the end as this is what can change the way you live your life and make that sea change you are looking for.
You see, I spent years in an office cubicle working 9 to 5 (or longer) and hated it. I was sick of working for someone else and I had worked my career to the point that I had painted myself into a corner – both in terms of skill set and earning capacity. I just couldn’t see a way to change my situation.

I was always jealous when I heard people say that they made a living doing what they love and whilst I knew I wanted to do my own thing, the trouble was that I just didn’t know where to even start.
It got to the point (with some ‘productive' words from my amazing wife) where I had two choices:
- Just keep doing what I was doing and be happy with my current life… or….
- Take the opportunity (chance) to change things and live a life that I want to
During this time, I had got interested in online marketing and decided to take the opportunity to make a change – i.e. option 2.
I then tried various “done for you programs”, make-money-online products and even Multi Level Marketing. After being scammed and with several failures under my belt and I was frustrated.
But I wanted to change things so I decided to try something new. It was with that one last try that I found Wealthy Affiliate that ended up being my saviour and taught me – and a few others as you can see below – a 4 step process to sell products online.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
I want to explain to you the basis for it all, which is affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is the process in which you, as a marketer, refer customers to websites where they can purchase products based on your recommendations. The website that takes the sale then pays you a commission for the referral sale.
It sounds simple, and in general, it is – as I will outline with my 4 steps below – however, let me just take you on a little reality check – one that I had to realise myself… This is no get rich quick process.
Becoming successful as an affiliate marketer takes time, patience and a lot of hard work. I mean I was used to terms such as ‘return on investment' and ‘time is money' so I wanted to be on the fast train to riches. And in time, if you stick at it, your ROI will be right where it should be – but in the short term it would be remiss of me not to be clear here that most affiliate marketers take at least 12 months to start making anywhere near a decent enough income to survive on.
I don’t tell you this to scare you, rather to make sure you understand what it is you are up for from the beginning. It is a lot easier to ‘maintain the rage’ so to speak if your expectations are where they need to be from the start. So, in keeping with the simplistic view of it all we will run through it from the four step process below.
How Does Wealthy Affiliate Help?
As you start your journey, Wealthy Affiliate is there for you with the most comprehensive training package I have ever seen – And as I have mentioned, I have used a few in my professional career trust me.
To get you started, Wealthy Affiliate has recently introduced the Hub.
The Training
Much of the training found within Wealthy Affiliate is located within the Business Hub. This is an AI based niche and website creation tool that will get you up and running with the foundation of your OWN business in just a few minutes. This includes:
- Your website – hosted and inclusive of a WordPress editor
- Your niche – with an inbuilt niche selection tool that allows you to narrow or expand as you need
- Your ‘done-for-you’ research
- Your blueprint
- A task list that is going to help you drive the creation and growth of your business moving forward.

The business hub makes the website creation process simple which allows you to get started on the training with a solid base and understanding of the processes.
All you need to do is choose your subject – which is known as your ‘niche’ – and follow the steps on the screen.
Oh, and as you run through the training below you may realize that what you created above is not exactly what you want. That’s ok, you can just create a new hub!
Wealthy Affiliate Training
As you then start your journey, Wealthy Affiliate is there for you with the most comprehensive training package I have ever seen – And I have used a few in my professional career trust me.
Earlier in this post we discussed the use of the Hub to get started. Once you have done this, if you are a starter member, you will be able to access the “Getting Started” section of the training which will give you everything you need to know to continue to create your online business.

Member Training
There are also Live weekly classes taught by REAL industry experts on a range of topics like artificial intelligence (AI), SEO, YouTube, WordPress, PPC marketing and more.

So How Much Does This Really Cost?
One of the best things I have found is that Wealthy Affiliate does not use upsells once you join – but as I mentioned in the video, to succeed here you will need to invest in a membership. There are a couple of membership options that provide access to all the tools, training and assistance that you could need – and a free domain as well. Which in short simply means that you do not need to purchase all the elements you need (domains, website editors, plugins etc.) from different sites.
They are all here!
Wealthy Affiliate offers a trio of membership tiers, as detailed on their pricing page – most of which are around the same cost of a TV subscription – and those don't teach you to make money.
You can opt for the Starter membership at no cost, the Premium membership for $49 per month or the Premium Plus+ membership for $99 per month. That’s the full extent of it – you can absolutely build your website without having to spend another cent.
You won’t encounter any unexpected additional charges or covert fees and as a Premium member, you’re equipped with all the essentials to initiate, develop and expand a thriving online enterprise.
Those who opt for the Premium membership are provided with
- Hosting for their websites
- A complimentary domain name
- Access to hundreds of hours of current expert tutorials
- Various marketing and research tools
- Personal guidance from seasoned professionals in the field
- And much much more
And for those of you who want to make a serious investment into your future, there are some yearly options as well below to give you peace of mind that you have a whole year ahead of you to get stuff done!

And Don’t Forget the Personal Coaching
Once you join, not only do you get plenty of assistance from me, but you also have access to expert coaching, support and mentorship from real industry experts.
I mean, you can have access to all of the top-tier affiliate marketing training in the world, but inevitably, questions arise, particularly during the initial stages.
With an exceptionally dynamic and engaged community that boasts over 2.7 million members, Wealthy Affiliate offers an environment where you, as a member, can fully immerse and leverage this network.
You’re never alone; you have the collective wisdom of an entire community at your fingertips, ready to assist at any moment.
Plus, there’s always-on, rapid-response website support to handle any technical queries you may encounter.
Wealthy Affiliate Works: Real Results From Real People
As I have mentioned a number of times, Wealthy Affiliate has helped me make real money online though its training and tools.
But again, those promoting other programs will tell you the same thing!
So let’s get away from me and see what others are saying:
To start with, Wealthy Affiliate has a 4.9 out of 5 Star TrustPilot rating, which is a remarkable accomplishment in any industry, let alone the online business industry.

And here are some of those reviews:

And this is what people are saying within Wealthy Affiliate as well:

So, what now?
Well let’s be frank, you have read this far so why not go all in, click on the button below to get started on the way to your very online business.
And once you are in, look for the little envelope on the top right and there will be a message from me. It is of course automated so respond to let me know you are there and we can start this journey together.
(oh, and the profile is mine so you can find me that way as well)

See you there
And remember, you are not alone on this journey! I will be your personal coach the whole step of the way. I even have some extra bonuses for you (for free of course) once you join up. So, click on the link below and let's change our lives together…