Hey there Sea Changers and welcome to my post where we will run through my 10 tips for successful affiliate marketing on Facebook. Now, if you are in the affiliate marketing game – or anything else that involves sales via a website for that matter – you may have suffered traffic issues via Google and its famous algorithm changes recently.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook - Header

This have led many of us to look more closely at other avenues of traffic whilst we try and make Google love us again. One such area I have been playing around in is Facebook. And what I have found is that affiliate marketing on Facebook presents a unique opportunity to reach a vast and engaged audience.

However, as with anything, and probably even more so than with a straight website, navigating this platform successfully requires more than just posting affiliate links. As not only do you have to make your content stand out amongst the gazillion cat and Taylor Swift videos, but you also have to be compliant with a new set of platform policies as well. Here are essential tips to help you maximize your affiliate marketing efforts on Facebook.

  1. Familiarize Yourself with Facebook's Policies
  2. Select Affiliate Products Wisely
  3. Optimize Your Facebook Page
  4. Craft Engaging and Valuable Content
  5. Leverage High-Quality Visuals and Videos
  1. Encourage and Share User-Generated Content
  2. Master Organic Promotion Techniques
  3. Utilize Facebook Ads for Targeted Promotion
  4. Stay Informed and Compliant
  5. Analyze and Optimize Your Performance

Tips for Affiliate Marketing on Facebook

So, for those of you looking to expand your traffic generating reach, here are some tips to look for when it comes to affiliate marketing on Facebook.

1. Familiarize Yourself with Facebook's Policies

As I mentioned above, implementing a new platform means getting your head around a new set of policies etc. Especially if your use of Facebook to now has been posting photos of your meals and watching videos of people falling into pools.

When it comes to affiliate marketing and advertising, Facebook has established a comprehensive set of policies that govern what types of content can be promoted and how they can be shared. These policies are designed to protect users from misleading, harmful or otherwise undesirable content, ensuring a safe and positive experience for the community.

Key areas of focus of focus include:

  1. Transparency and Disclosure: Facebook requires advertisers to be transparent about the nature of their promotions. This means clearly disclosing any affiliate relationship or material connection to the product or service being promoted. For affiliate marketers, this could involve including a clear and conspicuous disclaimer within the post or ad that states you may receive compensation for purchases made through your links.
  2. Promotional Content: While Facebook allows the promotion of products and services, it has strict guidelines on how these promotions can be presented. Content that is overly promotional without providing value to the audience may not perform well, or could be restricted.
  3. Prohibited Content: Facebook explicitly prohibits certain types of content, including but not limited to, adult content, misleading or false information and unsafe supplements. And from personal experience with our fitness studios, it will also stop anything that even remotely alludes to making someone better – such as “lose 20lb in 5 days” etc.
  4. Ad Quality and Relevance: Ads must be of high quality and relevant to the audience they target. Facebook uses a combination of user feedback and automated systems to assess ad quality. Ads that receive a lot of negative feedback from users, or are deemed irrelevant, could be less likely to be shown.
  5. Landing Page Experience: The experience users have after clicking on your ad or affiliate link is also subject to Facebook's policies. The landing page should offer a good user experience, be relevant to the ad or post, and must not use deceptive practices to trick users into making a purchase. This often referred to as shadow links or sometimes “phishing” is a no no for Google as well.

A the end of the day, it is generally up to you as the affiliate marketer to ensure that you meet all of these criteria.

Get Away From the Rat Race and Work From Home

Anyone wanting to build an online business can get started using Wealthy Affiliate because it has all the tools you need!

You too can start your very own online business here that can make you money from anywhere in the world!!

2. Select Affiliate Products Wisely

Choosing the right affiliate products is a critical step in any affiliate marketing strategy and also just as importnat on Facebook. The products you choose to promote should not only align with your brand and audience interests but also comply with Facebook's advertising policies. This can include:

Understanding Your Audience

The first step in selecting the right affiliate products is to have a deep understanding of your audience. Know their interests, problems and desires. What kind of content do they engage with most on your Facebook page? Are there particular themes or topics that resonate with them?

Use Facebook Insights and other analytics tools to gather data on your audience's behavior and preferences. Keep in mind that this information may be a little different to website visitors so this will guide you in choosing products that are likely to appeal to them.

Evaluating Product Relevance and Quality

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience's interests, evaluate the relevance and quality of potential affiliate products. The products should not only be relevant to your audience's interests but also of high quality. Promoting poor-quality products can damage your reputation and trust with your audience.

Assessing Compatibility with Facebook's Policies

Every product you choose to promote through affiliate marketing on Facebook must comply with Facebook's advertising policies. This means avoiding products in prohibited categories such as adult content, alcohol, weapons, tobacco and any products that make misleading health claims. Additionally, ensure that the promotional content for your affiliate products adheres to Facebook’s guidelines regarding transparency and honesty.

Monitoring Performance and Making Adjustments

After selecting products and starting your promotional efforts, closely monitor the performance of each product. Use Facebook Insights and affiliate tracking tools to analyze how your audience is responding to the products you're promoting.

Are they engaging with the posts? Are the affiliate links leading to conversions? Use this data to adjust your strategy, focusing more on products that perform well and reconsidering those that don’t.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook - vacation post

3. Optimize Your Facebook Page

Optimizing your Facebook Page is crucial for the success of your affiliate marketing efforts. A well-optimized Page not only helps in attracting the right audience but also in building trust and credibility with your followers. Here are things to look at to ensure your Facebook Page is fully optimized for affiliate marketing:

Create a Professional and Engaging Page Profile

Just like your website, your Facebook Page serves as the face of your brand on social media, so it's important to make a great first impression. Ensure your profile picture and cover photo are high-quality images that represent your brand well.

Consider using your logo as your profile picture to enhance brand recognition and your cover photo should be visually appealing and relevant to your niche or the products you promote.

Utilize the “About” Section Effectively

The “About” section of your Facebook Page is an opportunity to tell visitors who you are and what you do. Use this space to clearly describe your mission and the value you provide to your followers. Include keywords related to your niche to improve your Page's search visibility both on Facebook and search engines.

Also, don't forget to add your website or blog link if you have one, as it can drive traffic from your Facebook Page to your site.

Consistent Branding Across All Content

Consistency in branding helps in building recognition and trust with your audience. Ensure that the tone, style and visuals of your posts align with your brand identity. Use consistent color schemes, fonts and logos across all your content, including posts, videos and ads.

Engage with Your Audience Regularly

Engagement is key to building a loyal following on Facebook. Regularly post content that is relevant, informative and entertaining to your audience. Use a mix of content types, including text posts, images, videos and live streams to keep your audience engaged. Respond to comments (even the negative ones), messages and reviews to show your followers that you value their input and are active on your Page.

Optimize for Search

Facebook Pages are indexed by search engines, so optimizing your Page for search can help increase its visibility beyond Facebook. Use relevant keywords in your Page’s title, “About” section and posts to improve its search engine ranking. Additionally, regularly publishing fresh content can also positively impact your Page's search visibility as well.

4. Craft Engaging and Valuable Content

This next section probably goes without saying but creating engaging and valuable content is the cornerstone of successful affiliate marketing on Facebook. The content you share not only helps in building trust and authority but also plays a crucial role in driving conversions.

The first step in creating engaging content is to have a deep understanding of your audience as we discussed above. Know their interests, challenges and what they value as this will guide you in creating content that addresses their needs, answers their questions and provides solutions to their problems.

Storytelling is a powerful tool in content creation. Share stories about how the affiliate products have impacted your life or the lives of others. Real-life examples and testimonials make the products more relatable and can significantly enhance the appeal of your promotions. Stories help to humanize your content, making it more engaging and memorable.

And finally, user-generated content, such as customer reviews and testimonials can be incredibly persuasive. Sharing content created by your followers or customers who have had positive experiences with the affiliate products can provide social proof, helping to build trust and credibility as well.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook - I film things

5. Leverage High-Quality Visuals and Videos

And following in from above, in the visually driven world of Facebook, leveraging high-quality visuals and videos is not just an option—it's a necessity. Visual content can significantly enhance the appeal of your posts, making them more likely to be noticed, engaged with and shared. This can include:

  • Use High-Quality Images – High-quality images play a crucial role in making your content stand out in the crowded Facebook feed. Whether it's product photos, infographics or custom graphics, ensure that your images are clear, visually appealing and relevant to the content.
  • Using Videos to Enhance Engagement – Videos are incredibly effective in capturing the audience's attention and driving engagement. They offer a dynamic way to showcase products, share reviews and provide tutorials or demonstrations. Consider the following types of video content:

Tips for Creating Compelling Video Content

  • Keep It Short and Sweet: Attention spans on social media are short. Aim for videos that are concise yet informative. For more in-depth content, consider breaking it down into a series of shorter videos.
  • Focus on Quality: Ensure your videos are of high quality in terms of both visuals and audio. Use a good camera or smartphone, ensure proper lighting and consider using a microphone for clearer sound.
  • Add Captions: Many users scroll through Facebook with their sound off. Adding captions to your videos can ensure your message gets across even without audio.
  • Engage Your Audience: Encourage viewers to engage with your video content by asking questions, inviting comments, and including clear calls-to-action (CTAs).

Optimizing Visuals for Facebook

When using visuals and videos, it's important to optimize them for the Facebook platform:

  • Aspect Ratios and Dimensions: Use the recommended aspect ratios and dimensions for images and videos on Facebook to ensure they display correctly.
  • Thumbnail Selection: Choose engaging thumbnails for your videos. A compelling thumbnail can make the difference between someone clicking on your video or scrolling past it.
  • Mobile Optimization: With the majority of Facebook users accessing the platform via mobile devices, ensure your visuals and videos are optimized for mobile viewing as well.

6. Encourage and Share User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool on a platform like Facebook where community engagement can significantly amplify your reach and credibility. UGC refers to any content—be it reviews, testimonials, photos, videos or comments—created by users rather than brands.

This type of content can lend authenticity to your affiliate marketing efforts, build trust with your audience, and provide social proof that the products you're promoting are valuable and effective. Here's how to encourage and share UGC to enhance your affiliate marketing strategy on Facebook.

  • Foster a Community Around Your Brand – Creating a sense of community on your Facebook page encourages followers to share their experiences and engage with your content more deeply. Engage with your audience regularly through comments, live videos and posts that invite interaction.
  • Highlight the Value of Sharing – Encourage your followers to share their experiences with the products you promote by highlighting the value of their contributions. Recognizing and thanking users for their contributions fosters a positive environment where more followers feel motivated to share.
  • Create a Hashtag for Your Campaign – Creating a unique hashtag for your affiliate marketing campaign can help track and collect user-generated content more easily. Encourage your followers to use the hashtag when posting about the products you're promoting as well.
  • Leverage Reviews and Testimonials – Reviews and testimonials are among the most persuasive forms of user-generated content. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your Facebook page or to share their testimonials in a post.

Additionally, Facebook allows advertisers to use user-generated content in their ad campaigns, provided you have permission from the content creators. Incorporating UGC into your ads can increase their authenticity and effectiveness. Seeing real people endorse a product can be more persuasive than traditional advertising, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook - Bali Question

7. Master Organic Promotion Techniques

Organic promotion on Facebook refers to non-paid strategies used to grow your audience, engage followers and increase visibility for your affiliate products- many of which we have discussed above. In the context of affiliate marketing, mastering organic promotion techniques is crucial for building a sustainable presence on the platform – and a lot cheaper as well. Here are some things to look out for when it comes to generating organic traffic – which again, much of it are things you are probably already doing for your website:

Optimize Your Content Strategy

  • Consistency is Key: Regular posting keeps your audience engaged and your page active. Develop a content calendar to plan your posts, ensuring a good mix of promotional, educational and entertaining content.
  • Value-Driven Content: Focus on creating content that adds value to your audience's Facebook experience. Educational posts, how-to guides, product comparisons and user-generated content can provide significant value beyond mere product promotion.
  • Engagement Boosts Visibility: Facebook's algorithm favors content that generates interaction. Encourage comments, shares and likes by asking questions, creating polls and inviting feedback.

Leverage Facebook Groups

  • Join Relevant Groups: Participate in Facebook groups related to your niche. These groups can be a rich source of engaged audiences interested in the products you're promoting. Share your expertise, answer questions and occasionally share content from your page to drive traffic.
  • Create Your Own Group: Establishing a Facebook group centered around your niche can build a community of interested and engaged users. Use this space to share exclusive content, offer advice, and promote affiliate products directly to an audience that trusts your recommendations.

Utilize Facebook Stories and Live Features

  • Facebook Stories: Stories are prominently displayed at the top of users' feeds and can capture attention effectively. Use stories to share behind-the-scenes content, flash promotions or quick product highlights.
  • Facebook Live: Live videos often receive higher engagement rates than pre-recorded videos. Use this feature to conduct live product reviews, Q&A sessions or demonstrations. Live interactions can significantly enhance your credibility and audience connection.

Collaborate with Influencers and Pages

  • Influencer Partnerships: Partnering with influencers in your niche can expand your reach to a broader audience. Influencers with an established trust with their followers can effectively promote your affiliate products through their content.
  • Page Collaborations: Engage in shoutout exchanges or content collaborations with pages in related niches. This can help you tap into each other's audiences, driving new followers to your page.

Optimize for SEO

  • Keywords in Page Content: Again, just like a website, incorporate relevant keywords into your page's title, about section and post content. This can improve your page's visibility in Facebook searches and even in search engines.
  • Backlink to Your Page: Increase your page's authority by linking to it from your website, blog or other social media profiles. This can also improve your SEO outside of Facebook.
Get Away From the Rat Race and Work From Home

Anyone wanting to build an online business can get started using Wealthy Affiliate because it has all the tools you need!

You too can start your very own online business here that can make you money from anywhere in the world!!

8. Utilize Facebook Ads for Targeted Promotion

While organic reach on Facebook can significantly enhance your affiliate marketing efforts, incorporating Facebook Ads into your strategy offers a powerful way to target specific audiences and boost your promotional activities. and in my experience are a great way to foster interaction with your page very quickly.

Facebook's sophisticated advertising platform allows for detailed targeting based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more, making it an invaluable tool for affiliate marketers looking to promote products to a highly relevant audience. Here’s how to effectively utilize Facebook Ads for targeted promotion in your affiliate marketing strategy.

Facebook offers various campaign objectives, such as brand awareness, traffic, conversions and engagement. For affiliate marketing, objectives like traffic (to drive users to your affiliate links) and conversions (to encourage purchases) are often most relevant.

Target Your Audience Precisely

One of the strengths of Facebook Ads is the ability to target your ads to a very specific audience. Utilize the following targeting options to ensure your ads reach people most likely to be interested in the affiliate products you're promoting:

  • Demographic Targeting: Select your audience based on age, gender, education, job title and more.
  • Interest Targeting: Target users based on their interests, hobbies and the pages they like on Facebook.
  • Behavior Targeting: Focus on users based on their purchase behavior, device usage and other activities.
  • Custom Audiences: Create audiences from your existing contacts, website visitors, or app users. This is particularly effective for retargeting people who have already shown interest in your content or products.
  • Lookalike Audiences: Expand your reach by targeting new users who share similar characteristics with your existing audience.

Once you know your audience, then just like your organic posts above, use high-quality images or videos that showcase the affiliate products attractively and compellingly. Include clear, concise ad copy that highlights the product's benefits and addresses the audience's potential pain points or desires. And optimize for mobile as well!

And finally, a strong call-to-action (CTA) is crucial her as well – afterall, you have paid to get the viewer, now bring it home! The CTA should encourage users to click through to your affiliate link with phrases like “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Get Offer.”

Affiliate Marketing on Facebook - TTG question

9. Stay Informed and Compliant

Now re vert back to where we started above. In the ever-evolving landscape of affiliate marketing on Facebook, staying informed about the latest platform policies and industry regulations is crucial for maintaining compliance and ensuring the longevity of your marketing efforts. Facebook regularly updates its advertising guidelines and community standards to protect users and enhance the integrity of its platform.

Non-compliance can result in ad disapprovals, account restrictions or even bans, which can severely impact your affiliate marketing campaigns. In addition to advertising policies, Facebook’s Community Standards outline what is allowed in terms of the content shared by users on the platform.

These standards aim to foster a safe and respectful environment. Ensure that your content, including posts, comments, and interactions with users, complies with these standards to avoid actions against your account.

10. Analyze and Optimize Your Performance

In the dynamic world of Facebook affiliate marketing, analyzing and optimizing your performance is crucial for success. This continuous process involves examining the data from your affiliate marketing activities, understanding what works and what doesn't, and making informed adjustments to improve your results.

Utilize Facebook Insights

Facebook provides a powerful tool called Facebook Insights for page administrators to track user interaction with their page. This tool offers a wealth of data, including metrics on post reach, engagement rates (likes, comments, shares), page views and the demographics of your audience.

Regularly reviewing these metrics can help you understand how your content resonates with your audience and identify trends in what types of content drive the most engagement or lead to the most clicks on your affiliate links.

  • Engagement Metrics: Pay close attention to which posts generate the most engagement. High engagement rates often indicate content that resonates well with your audience.
  • Reach and Impressions: These metrics show how far your content is spreading and how many times it's seen. This can help you understand the best times to post and what content formats are most effective.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): For posts containing affiliate links, the CTR is a crucial metric. It shows the percentage of viewers who clicked on your affiliate links. A low CTR may indicate that your call-to-action (CTA) is not compelling enough or that the content is not effectively targeted.

A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or post to see which one performs better. You can use A/B testing to experiment with different aspects of your affiliate marketing strategy on Facebook, such as:

  • Ad Copy and Creative: Test different headlines, body text, images or video thumbnails to see which combination leads to higher engagement and more clicks.
  • Posting Times: Experiment with posting at different times of the day or week to find when your audience is most active.
  • Content Formats: Compare the performance of different content formats, such as images vs. videos, to determine what your audience prefers.

Analyze Conversion Data

If you're using Facebook ads to promote affiliate products, Facebook's ad manager provides detailed reports on the performance of your campaigns, including conversion data. This data shows how many users took the desired action (e.g., making a purchase) after clicking on your ad. By analyzing this data, you can determine which ads are most effective at driving conversions and adjust your strategy accordingly.

  • ROI and ROAS: Calculate your return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS) to understand the profitability of your affiliate marketing efforts. This helps in allocating your budget more effectively to the most profitable campaigns.


And there it is – my tips for successful affiliate marketing on Facebook. I hope it has been helpful and as usual, please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions, need some advice or have any experiences to share.

Do you want further assistance with any of the above or need help to build your own affiliate website or identifying Social Media promotion opportunities?

Are you looking for a comprehensive training platform that can give you step by step training, 24/7 support, tools to develop and host your very own website, ongoing assistance with SEO and social media and access to some of the best online marketing minds on the planet, then click on the following link to read more about Wealthy Affiliate.

Until next time

Have fun


Note: If you make a purchase from this page, there is a very good chance that I make a commission from it – these commissions do not increase your sale price. This may include sales made via Wealthy Affiliate.

Introducing Wealthy Affiliate, My #1 Recommendation for Setting Up Your Own Online Business

wealthy affiliate new home page

When I started, I knew I wanted to work online, but had absolutely no idea where to begin! You see I had watched friends of mine run a sales party to sell essential oils and someone asked if they could just sell them online?

Then, as I sat on the bus heading into my office job, I started to wonder if I could do just that, sell essential oils online.

Anything to stop having to catch this bus to and from work every day right!

The trouble was, as I mentioned above, I had no idea how to even start.

So of course I started to look around online and found all these courses! They all promised me riches then took my money but left me with no riches!

Then I stumbled across the program that didn’t promise me riches, but told me it could help me get started even with no experience!

So I did that, joined Wealthy Affiliate that was it, and the rest as they say, is history!

But it doesn’t come without work!

That is the key here! I began on their starter membership and did the training! I then joined as a member and did some more training!

Each night after work, I would do a little more, then a little more.

And to cut a long story short, after 10 months I realized I didn’t really like writing about essential oils, so I sold the site for about $2000. But I had learned so much that I started another – about fishing and camping!

Then, after 18 months (by which time it had earned me close to $10k), I was offered $17k for the site, so I sold it too.

Now, through my travel blog, I’ve been able to fund my passion for travel and explore different places around the world.

In the past few months, I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to some amazing destinations, including Bali, Los Angeles, Dallas, Vancouver and Las Vegas.

The success of my travel blog has allowed me to fully fund my travels and explore new destinations with my family.

Steps to Creating a Successful Travel Blog - Me at Whistler

Try the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter Member and Build your First Hub!

As you start your journey, Wealthy Affiliate is there for you with the most comprehensive training package I have ever seen – And as I have mentioned, I have used a few in my professional career trust me.

To get you started, Wealthy Affiliate has recently introduced the Hub.

The Hub

The hub is an AI based niche and website creation tool that will get you up and running with the foundation of your OWN business in just a few minutes. This includes:

  • Your website – hosted and inclusive of a WordPress editor
  • Your brand
  • Your ‘done-for-you’ research
  • Your blueprint
  • A task list that is going to help you drive the creation and growth of your business moving forward.
Wealthy Affiliate Review 24 - Hub screen

The hub makes the website creation process simple which allows you to get started on the training with a solid base and understanding of the processes.

All you need to do is choose your subject – which is known as your ‘niche’ – and follow the steps on the screen.

Oh, and as you run through the training below you may realize that what you created above is not exactly what you want. That’s ok, you can just create a new hub!

Wealthy Affiliate Training

Then as you continue your journey, the Wealthy Affiliate Hub is there for you with the most comprehensive training package I have ever seen – And I have used a few in my professional career trust me.

Above we discussed the use of the Hub to set up a website. Once you have done this, you will be able to access the “Step-by-Step Core Training”.

This is available to all members including starter members and will give you everything you need to know to continue to create your online business.

Wealthy Affiliate Review 24 - step by step core training

Member Training

There are also Live weekly classes taught by REAL industry experts on a range of topics like artificial intelligence (AI), SEO, YouTube, WordPress, PPC marketing and more.

wealthy affiliate master training

Great, What Else Does Wealthy Affiliate Have To Help You?

So, let’s keep this short, Wealthy Affiliate is a one-stop-shop platform that provides:

  • The Hub – this is the starting point and uses AI processes to assist you in determining your niche and creating your brand.
  • Complete training programs to assist with the development of your own affiliate marketing website in your own niche.
  • Website creation and publishing tools including access to WordPress editors and themes.
  • AI Content article design and content creation
  • Domain name purchasing (you get a free domain when you upgrade to the Premium membership).
  • Website hosting, security and backup.
  • Online help and chat forums.
  • Weekly live training events.
  • 24/7 support.
  • Keyword access tools.
  • SEO assistance.

The platform has been active for over 15 years with the original developers and owners, Kyle and Carson, still extremely active in its day to day operations – especially as they rollout their AI capabilities.

wa first two steps

You Can Try it Yourself For Free

Now of course I can tell you all about how Wealthy Affiliate works (because it does) until I am blue in the face. But every other program out there – including the shams and scams – will tell you the same thing!

So how about you just try it for free yourself. The Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership is free to join and gives you access to everything you need to get started – all without the need to spend a cent!

With the starter membership, you get:

  • 1 Limited Business Hub
  • 1,500 AI Word Credits
  • Try the AI Author Platform (BETA)
  • 1 Practice Website
  • Jaaxy Starter
  • Limited Help & Support
  • Core Niche Training (8 Classes)

And of course I will be there to help you every step of the way as well!

Look, in the interest of transparency, whilst Wealthy Affiliate does offer a free starter membership, this is designed to give you a look around, have a practice and see if it is worthwhile for you – which is a really great option.

However, as with all new businesses, you will need to make some investment so if you are serious about making money online , you will need to upgrade to a premium membership as this will give you access to all the tools you need in the one spot to succeed!

Afterall, every business needs tools to grow!

So How Much Does This Really Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate does not use upsells once you join – but as I mentioned in the video, to succeed here you will need to invest in a membership. There are a couple of options that provide access to all the tools, training and assistance that you could need – and a free domain as well.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a trio of membership tiers, as detailed on their pricing page.

You can opt for the Starter membership at no cost, the Premium membership for $49 per month or the Premium Plus+ membership for $99 per month. That’s the full extent of it – and you can absolutely build your website without having to spend another cent.

You won’t encounter any unexpected additional charges or covert fees and as a Premium member, you’re equipped with all the essentials to initiate, develop and expand a thriving online enterprise.

Those who opt for the Premium membership are provided with

  • Hosting for their websites
  • A complimentary domain name
  • Access to hundreds of hours of current expert tutorials
  • Various marketing and research tools
  • Personal guidance from seasoned professionals in the field
  • And much much more

And for those of you who want to make a serious investment into your future, there are some yearly options as well below to give you peace of mind that you have a whole year ahead of you to get stuff done!

And Don’t Forget the Personal Coaching

Once you join, not only do you get plenty of assistance from me, but you also have access to expert coaching, support and mentorship from real industry experts.

I mean, you can have access to all of the top-tier affiliate marketing training in the world, but inevitably, questions arise, particularly during the initial stages.

With an exceptionally dynamic and engaged community that boasts over 2.7 million members, Wealthy Affiliate offers an environment where you, as a member, can fully immerse and leverage this network.

You’re never alone; you have the collective wisdom of an entire community at your fingertips, ready to assist at any moment.

Plus, there’s always-on, rapid-response website support to handle any technical queries you may encounter.

WA graphic

Wealthy Affiliate Works: Real Results From Real People

As I have mentioned a number of times, Wealthy Affiliate has helped me make real money online though its training and tools.

I have made money each month as well as a sale for $17,000.

But again, those promoting other programs will tell you the same thing!

So let’s get away from me and see what others are saying:

To start with, Wealthy Affiliate has a 4.9 out of 5 Star TrustPilot rating, which is a remarkable accomplishment in any industry, let alone the online business industry.

WA trust pilot image

And here are some of those reviews:

wealthy affiliate trust pilot

And this is what people are saying within Wealthy Affiliate as well:

home page - success at WA

So, Let’s Make a Decision!

Let’s be frank, you have read this far so why not go all in, click on the button below to get started on the way to your very online business.

And once you are in and have had a play around with the hub, look for the little envelope on the top right and there will be a message from me. It is of course automated so respond to let me know you are there and we can start this journey together.

(oh, and the profile is mine so you can find me that way as well)

wealthy affiliate envelope

See you there


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