Hey there sea changers. Usually when we talk about success in affiliate marketing we discuss things like keywords, SEO, social media, solving problems and so on. Well today I am going step outside the square a little and give you 5 secrets to affiliate marketing success that have nothing to do with a PC – in fact, if you didn't need it to read this post, I would be telling you to turn it off.

tips for affiliate marketing success - header

Why? Well let me share with you the story that has led to where we are now. You see I have been a bit naughty lately and burning the candle at both ends. I have been working, working, working and not looking after myself. My body was telling me to slow down, my wife was telling me to slow down and my friends kept telling me I looked tired. But this is my business – so I kept going.

Then my body took things out of my hands so to speak and I got sick. Real sick – I am talking man-flu sick. You know, that sickness that only us men truly understand and the one that makes our significant others look at us in amazement that we can actually survive it at all. I was stuck on the couch, couldn't open my laptop without feeling dizzy and was getting frustrated with it all.

It was at this point that my amazing wife, who fortunately (or unfortunately) for me works in the fitness industry started running through all of the things I need to start doing if I am going to be able to achieve the things I want to achieve moving forward (especially as I help her run her fitness studios). She said that it didn't matter what I knew up there (in my head), I wouldn't be successful if I didn't look after down there (my body). She gave me a list of things to do – I was skeptical – especially with the touchy-feely stuff – but as I love what I do I followed them. And you know what, I have never felt better and been able to produce more in less time. So sit back, relax, grab a health shake and let me run you through it all…

  1. Diet
  2. Exercise
  3. Clear your head
  4. Time Block
  5. Have Fun

Secrets to Affiliate Marketing Success

Ok, so based on all of that above, let's have a look at some of the things you can implement to assist you on the road to affiliate marketing success.

1. Diet

5 Secrets to Affiliate Marketing Success - diet

We hear athletes talk about this all the time – how they need to “fuel their bodies like winners” in order to perform well on the day. And whilst we probably don't need to carbo load the night before we plan to write a big blog post, we can certainly take some heed in their words as well. You see, what you eat really does affect how your brain works – especially as when you are working on your website and posts, it is often the only thing that is working. So here are some things you can do to give yourself the best possible preparation for that hard day in front of the laptop:

  • Stay away from processed food – these are a constant for many of us as they are quick and easy – but they are also full of salt, sugar and laden with chemicals.
  • Eat a salad – stick to healthy foods as much as possible – they will keep you feeling fuller for longer and are full of energy boosting nutrients.
  • Drink plenty of water – put a bottle on the desk and empty it often – plus leaving the desk to fill it up again gives your eyes a rest.
  • Avoid sugar – this includes soft drinks and juices. These give you a good high but also a good crash. And absolutely stay away from energy drinks.
  • Snack on fruit and nuts – they are much better than donuts and will also keep you fuller for longer with more energy.
  • Eat a good breakfast – coffee is amazing – but it is not enough to get you going in the morning on its own – even if it is just a couple of eggs on toast.
  • Just eat – if the choice is there between food that is not so good and not eating at all – then eat – some fuel is better than none.
  • Do not eat in front of your laptop – This goes into tip 3 below but give your mind a break whilst you eat.

2. Exercise

Now again, we are not in training for the Boston Marathon here, but your body is not designed to sit on an office chair all day. Failure to move your body for at least half an hour a day is proven to cause a number of health issues. However, in terms of this post, it will also means that you are not able to fully concentrate and get your stuff done to your optimum levels. In fact, it is scientifically proven that 30 minutes of exercise aday can assist with:

  • Heart health
  • Weight loss
  • Reduced stress
  • Improved mood
  • Greater Energy
  • Improved memory
  • Increased productivity
  • Improved self-confidence
5 Tips to Affiiate Marketing Success

Trust me, I know this one is true – I am married to a fitness instructor and I know I work better on days that I exercise. Again, you are not working to Olympic qualifying levels here, but try the following:

  • Go for a walk – walk briskly and find some hills.
  • Try a light jog – if you are up for it.
  • Go to the gym.
  • Ride a bike – real or stationary.
  • Do some cardio – squats, lunges, mountain climbers – but not burpees – noone like burpees!!
  • Do a Pilates class.

Just do something – yes, you are looking to get the heart rate up a little but as I keep saying, your work levels will improve out of sight!

3. Clear your head

5 Secrets to Affiliate Marketing Success - meditate

Now it is time to go a little off-centre and spiritual on you all but if you only do one thing on this list, I urge you to make this the one. It took me a long time to get used to this (insert: not think this was a crock) but you need to give your mind a break at least every couple of hours. I am lucky enough that I can incorporate this with the above and go for the 20min each way walk to the beach to clear my head (yes, exercise counts here) but if that is not for you then you MUST do something that is not taxing on the mind.

Meditation and yoga are best here as they take your mind totally off the whole build a website, write posts, SEO it, brand it, sell stuff cycle that is affiliate marketing. If I can't go for a walk, I listen to a pod cast. Others read books, knit, cook, clean, build, pray, fish – whatever floats your boat really. The trick here is to get over the fact that you are ‘losing' time that could be spent on your sight and replace that with the time that you are gaining for yourself which will ultimately boost your workload when you do return to it. As I have said, I do this religiously and it really really works!

You Are Reading This Because of Wealthy Affiliate

That's right! Wealthy Affiliate provided me with all of the tools and training I needed to get this post in front of my audience - a.k.a YOU!

You too can start your very own online business here that can make you money from anywhere in the world!!  

4. Time block

You have probably all heard the saying “work smarter not harder”. This is what time blocking is all about. Part of the reason that the first three tips that I have outlined here are not done is due to the fact that we just get so “busy” that we lose track of time, and what it is that we are doing. The other concern here is that we get so worked up in what we are doing that we lose out on some of the fun things that we always said we could now do because we work for ourselves and are not tied to a time clock. Time blocking is critical to this so I strongly suggest that you undertake the following:

  1. Determine best working time – this is the time that you either work best, or can work uninterrupted
  2. Write out the tasks you need to do – including meals, exercise and fun time
  3. Write each task into a diary in the times that suit you best or are necessary – an example is below:
5 Secrets to Affiliate Marketing Success - timeblocking

Now that is the easy part, the trick here obviously is to stick to it with some discipline. Don't fret at the beginning however as it can take some practice to get used to how long you need for things but once you have it bedded down, the real trick comes from being able to stick to it. And that means if you finish your time and you are not finished the task, you move onto the next thing regardless. The unfinished work is then added to a block later on. Again though, once you have mastered time blocking, you will be amazed at how much you can get done.

5. Have fun

Lastly, have fun! Sure there is a lot of work to affiliate marketing, but it should be fun as well. The four steps above will help with this but if it is getting you down and stressing you, then it becomes so much harder. We do this because of the income and lifestyle it can (eventually for some of us) afford. But the journey is part of it. Have fun, get involved in forums and interact with others, laugh at your work, play with the sight – whatever you enjoy, try and incorporate it into what you do and your sight if possible.

But have fun!


And there it is – 5 ways you can improve your affiliate marketing output without pressing a single key. I hope it has been helpful and as usual, please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions, need some advice or have any experiences to share.

Do you want further assistance with any of the above or need help to build your own website?

Are you looking for a comprehensive training platform that can give you step by step training, 24/7 support, tools to develop and host your very own website, ongoing assistance with SEO and social media and access to some of the best affiliate marketing minds on the planet, then click on the following link to read more about Wealthy Affiliate.

Until next time

Have fun


Note: If you make a purchase from this page, there is a very good chance that I make a commission from it – these commissions do not increase your sale price. This may include sales made via Wealthy Affiliate.

Introducing Wealthy Affiliate, My #1 Recommendation for Setting Up Your Own Online Business

wealthy affiliate new home page

When I started, I knew I wanted to work online, but had absolutely no idea where to begin! You see I had watched friends of mine run a sales party to sell essential oils and someone asked if they could just sell them online?

Then, as I sat on the bus heading into my office job, I started to wonder if I could do just that, sell essential oils online.

Anything to stop having to catch this bus to and from work every day right!

The trouble was, as I mentioned above, I had no idea how to even start.

So of course I started to look around online and found all these courses! They all promised me riches then took my money but left me with no riches!

Then I stumbled across the program that didn’t promise me riches, but told me it could help me get started even with no experience!

So I did that, joined Wealthy Affiliate that was it, and the rest as they say, is history!

But it doesn’t come without work!

That is the key here! I began on their starter membership and did the training! I then joined as a member and did some more training!

Each night after work, I would do a little more, then a little more.

And to cut a long story short, after 10 months I realized I didn’t really like writing about essential oils, so I sold the site for about $2000. But I had learned so much that I started another – about fishing and camping!

Then, after 18 months (by which time it had earned me close to $10k), I was offered $17k for the site, so I sold it too.

Now, through my travel blog, I’ve been able to fund my passion for travel and explore different places around the world.

In the past few months, I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to some amazing destinations, including Bali, Los Angeles, Dallas, Vancouver and Las Vegas.

The success of my travel blog has allowed me to fully fund my travels and explore new destinations with my family.

Steps to Creating a Successful Travel Blog - Me at Whistler

Try the Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter Member and Build your First Hub!

As you start your journey, Wealthy Affiliate is there for you with the most comprehensive training package I have ever seen – And as I have mentioned, I have used a few in my professional career trust me.

To get you started, Wealthy Affiliate has recently introduced the Hub.

The Hub

The hub is an AI based niche and website creation tool that will get you up and running with the foundation of your OWN business in just a few minutes. This includes:

  • Your website – hosted and inclusive of a WordPress editor
  • Your brand
  • Your ‘done-for-you’ research
  • Your blueprint
  • A task list that is going to help you drive the creation and growth of your business moving forward.
Wealthy Affiliate Review 24 - Hub screen

The hub makes the website creation process simple which allows you to get started on the training with a solid base and understanding of the processes.

All you need to do is choose your subject – which is known as your ‘niche’ – and follow the steps on the screen.

Oh, and as you run through the training below you may realize that what you created above is not exactly what you want. That’s ok, you can just create a new hub!

Wealthy Affiliate Training

Then as you continue your journey, the Wealthy Affiliate Hub is there for you with the most comprehensive training package I have ever seen – And I have used a few in my professional career trust me.

Above we discussed the use of the Hub to set up a website. Once you have done this, you will be able to access the “Step-by-Step Core Training”.

This is available to all members including starter members and will give you everything you need to know to continue to create your online business.

Wealthy Affiliate Review 24 - step by step core training

Member Training

There are also Live weekly classes taught by REAL industry experts on a range of topics like artificial intelligence (AI), SEO, YouTube, WordPress, PPC marketing and more.

wealthy affiliate master training

Great, What Else Does Wealthy Affiliate Have To Help You?

So, let’s keep this short, Wealthy Affiliate is a one-stop-shop platform that provides:

  • The Hub – this is the starting point and uses AI processes to assist you in determining your niche and creating your brand.
  • Complete training programs to assist with the development of your own affiliate marketing website in your own niche.
  • Website creation and publishing tools including access to WordPress editors and themes.
  • AI Content article design and content creation
  • Domain name purchasing (you get a free domain when you upgrade to the Premium membership).
  • Website hosting, security and backup.
  • Online help and chat forums.
  • Weekly live training events.
  • 24/7 support.
  • Keyword access tools.
  • SEO assistance.

The platform has been active for over 15 years with the original developers and owners, Kyle and Carson, still extremely active in its day to day operations – especially as they rollout their AI capabilities.

wa first two steps

You Can Try it Yourself For Free

Now of course I can tell you all about how Wealthy Affiliate works (because it does) until I am blue in the face. But every other program out there – including the shams and scams – will tell you the same thing!

So how about you just try it for free yourself. The Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership is free to join and gives you access to everything you need to get started – all without the need to spend a cent!

With the starter membership, you get:

  • 1 Limited Business Hub
  • 1,500 AI Word Credits
  • Try the AI Author Platform (BETA)
  • 1 Practice Website
  • Jaaxy Starter
  • Limited Help & Support
  • Core Niche Training (8 Classes)

And of course I will be there to help you every step of the way as well!

Look, in the interest of transparency, whilst Wealthy Affiliate does offer a free starter membership, this is designed to give you a look around, have a practice and see if it is worthwhile for you – which is a really great option.

However, as with all new businesses, you will need to make some investment so if you are serious about making money online , you will need to upgrade to a premium membership as this will give you access to all the tools you need in the one spot to succeed!

Afterall, every business needs tools to grow!

So How Much Does This Really Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate does not use upsells once you join – but as I mentioned in the video, to succeed here you will need to invest in a membership. There are a couple of options that provide access to all the tools, training and assistance that you could need – and a free domain as well.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a trio of membership tiers, as detailed on their pricing page.

You can opt for the Starter membership at no cost, the Premium membership for $49 per month or the Premium Plus+ membership for $99 per month. That’s the full extent of it – and you can absolutely build your website without having to spend another cent.

You won’t encounter any unexpected additional charges or covert fees and as a Premium member, you’re equipped with all the essentials to initiate, develop and expand a thriving online enterprise.

Those who opt for the Premium membership are provided with

  • Hosting for their websites
  • A complimentary domain name
  • Access to hundreds of hours of current expert tutorials
  • Various marketing and research tools
  • Personal guidance from seasoned professionals in the field
  • And much much more

And for those of you who want to make a serious investment into your future, there are some yearly options as well below to give you peace of mind that you have a whole year ahead of you to get stuff done!

And Don’t Forget the Personal Coaching

Once you join, not only do you get plenty of assistance from me, but you also have access to expert coaching, support and mentorship from real industry experts.

I mean, you can have access to all of the top-tier affiliate marketing training in the world, but inevitably, questions arise, particularly during the initial stages.

With an exceptionally dynamic and engaged community that boasts over 2.7 million members, Wealthy Affiliate offers an environment where you, as a member, can fully immerse and leverage this network.

You’re never alone; you have the collective wisdom of an entire community at your fingertips, ready to assist at any moment.

Plus, there’s always-on, rapid-response website support to handle any technical queries you may encounter.

WA graphic

Wealthy Affiliate Works: Real Results From Real People

As I have mentioned a number of times, Wealthy Affiliate has helped me make real money online though its training and tools.

I have made money each month as well as a sale for $17,000.

But again, those promoting other programs will tell you the same thing!

So let’s get away from me and see what others are saying:

To start with, Wealthy Affiliate has a 4.9 out of 5 Star TrustPilot rating, which is a remarkable accomplishment in any industry, let alone the online business industry.

WA trust pilot image

And here are some of those reviews:

wealthy affiliate trust pilot

And this is what people are saying within Wealthy Affiliate as well:

home page - success at WA

So, Let’s Make a Decision!

Let’s be frank, you have read this far so why not go all in, click on the button below to get started on the way to your very online business.

And once you are in and have had a play around with the hub, look for the little envelope on the top right and there will be a message from me. It is of course automated so respond to let me know you are there and we can start this journey together.

(oh, and the profile is mine so you can find me that way as well)

wealthy affiliate envelope

See you there


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  1. These 5 secrets to have success at affiliate marketing indeed require no laptop, internet connections, or any special software or tools to be effective. I was not sure what to expect, but as I read through your article, I found myself agreeing and nodding my head up and down with each point.

    Your wife sounds like she has a lot of common sense, and these tips really can make a huge difference in the productivity that you will experience as you go about the business of affiliate marketing business. It can be very easy to overdo things, as we all want success and will work very hard to achieve our goals.

    The mindset has to be there, as does the health, and planning and time management, or all the good intent will often not result in long-term success. That is what affiliate marketing can provide if you pay attention to these 5 tips, as they will provide the right setting for that success. 

    Timely post, all the tips make huge sense, and I for one appreciate that you have reminded all of us A personality types to pay attention to these points as we go about conquering whatever niches that we have chosen to cultivate and earn some income from!

  2. Dear Paul,

    I am amazed when I read your title “… No Computer Required.” Being a full-time Affiliate marketer I spend 12+ hours in front of my computer.

    Sharing your own story adds more value to this article and hats off to your wife. Once I read – In working for a living, don’t forget to live.

    Recently my wife and I stopped using processed food and we are planning to replace sugar with honey. Thanks for the great advice on diet. My grandma often used to say, we need to be very careful about what we put on our mouth and on our mind.

    Exercise and meditation is on my To Do

    1. Hey Paul

      Yeah, it is so easy to get carred away on the old laptop

      Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for stopping by


  3. Hi! You’re right. We some times get so into all the things we have to do on our site (and there will always be pending tasks, by the way) that we neglect some basic stuff as our diet or doing exercise. These tips have really put me to think. It’s great you have a fitness instructor in your family and it’s even greater you have shared these tips to boost productivity with all of us. Thank you!

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